We need your help!

Small arts businesses always need financial support! Your gifts go directly to all of Mixtape’s needs: staffing hours, artist grants, venue hosting, and more. Donations will be tax deductible once we finish our nonprofit registration next year … but right now (and always) we’re deeply grateful for your generosity. Thanks for believing in our mission!

As a startup in theater production, we need many items to make our performances look great and keep our office running. Check out our wishlists and registries to see what we need! There are donation options for every budget that will help us immensely.

Are you curious how our concerts come to life? Would you like to volunteer or intern? We always need friendly faces to usher concerts, stuff envelopes, take tickets, and help our artists. Your backstage and front-of-house support makes our audiences feel welcome - and our staff calm and happy! <3